I'm a Big Fan of Tacos...
And burritos. And hosting. And spoken word.
I live in Los Angeles, CA -- which is very warm in the summer and deceptively cold in the winter. Hosting events and performing spoken word poetry are two of my favorite things, and I've been doing it since my teenage years. Mostly for churches and ministry events, but sometimes for places like T-Mobile.
Places like Fuge Camps, Student Life Camps, Lifeway, Compassion International, First Orlando, Prestonwood, North American Mission Board, and Campus Crusade West Coast have all been partners in ministry.
When I'm not hosting or writing poetry, I'm a youth director at Reality Church of Los Angeles, a father of 3, and a husband to 1.
But, back to tacos -when you come to town -- you gotta go to Hugo's, Homestate, Kogi, and Guisados.